The past few weeks I have found many clients have been tired, stressed and generally feeling a bit blah. I can include myself in this also and it does us no good.
In our busy lifestyles we forget to take time for ourselves and the older I am getting the more I realise how important this is.
Summer is a funny time. Most people are out of routine as kids are on holidays. There are more gatherings and events which can lead to poor diet choices etc and longer evenings keep us up later.
If like me you have been feeling a little out of sorts give some of these tips a go.
Get back into a routine
We are creatures of habit and need some sort of routine. Set a time you go to bed and get up, have lunch packed for work, set an evening for the washing, know when you are going for a walk. It sounds so boring but you feel better when you have a plan of attack
Switch off technology
There has to be a point in the day when you get away from that phone!
Leave it in another room, turn it off, do whatever you have to but take an hour where you are fully away from all forms of technology
Declutter your social media
I recently deleted my Facebook app from my phone. I now need to type it any time I want to access it. I rarely look at it. Yes I have an app for my business page that allows me to quickly add a post or reply to a message but the rest isn’t distracting me now. I get my work done and that’s it. I also cleared out my snapchat! Seriously, you can spend hours listening to different stories. I have my friends on snapchat and 5 other people I follow- mainly make up artists I love, women in business or other salons where we interact and support each other where I can snap and ask a question
Drink water
Simple but effective. Water makes everything better
Take time to have a detox bath once a week or more if you can. I’m not one for baths but I am slowly trying to do it more often. Pop some scents and Epsom salts in and soak for 30 minutes. You detox, soak and generally feel more relaxed. Read a book and switch off.
This one is important. This will vary for every person. Some will go to the gym, others play a group sport and most go for a walk. Whichever it is, take some time to get that blood flowing. It’s so hard to start but once you do you will feel so much better, physically and mentally.
Make time for people
We are always too busy to do this and that, but it’s vital to make time for friends and family. A quick coffee, a phone call or text. Let someone know you are thinking of them. It’s so lovely getting a random text and keep communication open.
So if you have been feeling tired, sluggish and unorganised lately, pick a few of these tips and start doing them.
Jessie X