Hello hello!You all seemed to like my post regarding make up save vs spend a while back. A few of you asked me to do a similar post on skincare. I love when you give me ideas for topics so feel free to comment and let me know.
Ok, so on to skincare. This is my love and I enjoy this side of my work the most. As much fun as make up is, skincare is very very rewarding. I enjoy nothing more then guiding people to the right treatment and products for their needs.
Where to save:
Cleansers: Cleansers are on your face for a few minutes. The whole purpose is to remove make up and debris such as pollution from your skin. Why spend a fortune on a product that isn’t staying on and you are washing off. Don’t get me wrong, I have tried and adored some expensive active cleansers and if you can buy this I will always recommend them …. But …. in reality, if we can save somewhere, we always will.My personal favourite is Garnier Miceller water. It’s my go to cleanser. If you aren’t a fan of the water use a cream, gel or foam like cleanser. Boots always have great options if you are on a budget. Active products that contain glycolic acid or salicylic acid will cost more. If you have acne, a very oily skin or regular breakouts it is worth having one of these ingredients in your cleanser OR you need this in your exfoliator.
Toners: It’s been drilled into you since your teens: cleanse, tone and moisturise. Here is what I say to that, Big Fat Noooooo. Toners are often full of alcohol and strip the skin of its natural oils. I totally get that oily skins want to take as much oil away as possible. If you are going to buy one make sure you look at the ingredients and that there is little to no alcohol! Some brands are offering lotions instead of toners as they have no alcohol and this is what you should be getting. I personally don’t recommend them. If you are using a cleanser and an exfoliator correctly I really feel you don’t need one.
Moisturiser: This is a tricky one but essentially they are designed to sit on the skin’s surface. They initially make the skin feel great- hydrated and plump but that’s all they do, sit on the surface.High street brands have some great ones available. I like Garnier, Dove and Boots and L’Oreal.
Sunscreen: This can be difficult. There’s a lot of talk about spf and protection. The fact is any cosmetic dr I have asked says it doesn’t matter if your are wearing spf 15, 30 or 50. The difference between them is small. What you need to be doing is reapplying. You need broad spectrum with both UVA and UVB block. I like ones with chemical blocks like titanium dioxide. Many prefer physical blocks with zinc oxide. Sunscreens can irritate the skin too if they have lots of filler ingredients so beware. This comes down to preference and ingredients so I have to put it in the middle category. I spend mid range here normally and get a moisturiser with an in built spf.
Eye cream: I have yet to find my favourite eye cream. I will always advise to use active ingredients here but as the under eye skin is so then you have to be careful not to over treat and irritate. Sometimes cheaper eye creams with cooling properties can be as good as an insanely expensive one. A product alone will not get rid of fine lines and wrinkles but it will prevent. My tip here is to ensure you hydrate the area with a light cream and bring your sunscreen all the way to under your eyes. If you can have an active one for two to three days a week and a cooling product for the rest of the week
Exfoliation: Exfoliation is essential for every skin type. Removing dull dead skin is vital to keep a youthful appearance and keep cell turnover going. Glycolic acid and Salicylic acid are the super heroes here. The latter will be better for going deep into the pore and clearing it out. The molecule in a Glycolic is larger so treats the skin differently. Both are hero ingredients in my eyes, it just depends on your skin type and this is where your skin advisor comes in. YES invest in a good one.
Medik8, Cosmedix, Aspect,Zo skin health, envir Image, and my personal favourite ASAP (Alas only in australia) are all amazing brands that have some great exfoliators.
Serums: This is where you need to invest. This is where you need to buy ACTIVE or cosmeceutical products. This is where people concerned with anti ageing need to keep reading. That caught your attention I bet!
Vitamin C, Vitamin B3 and B5, Vitamin A (Retinol), peptides, are all essential for skin repair and protecting against further damage. This is where you don’t want to skimp and when you buy from a skin range that you trust.
Night cream: If you just want a product to slap on while you sleep cause you feel you need to put something on your face then get a cheap night moisturiser that will add some initial hydration. If you want to get the most out of your sleep and help your skin repair itself get an active night product. You also need to use Retinol in your night time routine. You can read a post on that here: https://jessiekessie.wordpress.com/2015/04/04/anti-ageing-hero/
At night the skin goes into repair mode. Active products will penetrate and get working while you rest. The most important factor here is the ingredients. Depending on your skin needs the product you pick will help fix your concerns.
There are so many brands and it can get VERY confusing. Always keep an eye on the amount of ingredients listed on the back and be mindful of what is going onto your skin. The above post are only examples of some of the products out there. Do your research and ask a therapist or skin specialist.
Jessie X